Lade Veranstaltungen

Experimentik im Livestream/Seiji Morimoto

17. Juni 2020 / 21:00 - 22:00
  • Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.

Seiji Morimoto / Tiny Sound Events

Seiji Morimoito / Tiny Sound Events (2016 – )
A collection of tiny sound phenomena that occur when various objects are heated, rotated or rubbed together. Repeat the discovery, collection, performance and recording to create a sound catalogue.
Seiji Morimoto studied musicology at the Kunitachi College of Music, graduating in 1996. During this period he began to play the electronic pieces by John Cage and his own sound performances. Since then he has been creating sound performances, installations and videos. In 2003 Morimoto moved to Berlin, has performed and exhibited in many international festivals including transmediale in Berlin, Experimental Music Festival in Munich. He is interested in the uncertain acoustic appearances between usual objects, for example water and stones, and the technical medium.
He is curator of the concert series Experimentik at Tik Nord in Berlin, Friedrichshain.




Datum: 17. Juni 2020
Zeit: 21:00 - 22:00
Veranstaltung KategorieExperimentik, Musik
Venue Name: tik nord
Address: Rigaer Straße 77
Berlin, 10247

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Organizer Name: Theater im Kino e.V.