tik Rigaer Straße 77, BerlinVorpremiere GERMAN BELOW Death! Disease! Executions! It’s all getting out of hand in medieval Europe. Berliner Wenches, Nortburga and Bertegilde, decide they have had enough, and take matters into their...
Vorpremiere GERMAN BELOW Death! Disease! Executions! It’s all getting out of hand in medieval Europe. Berliner Wenches, Nortburga and Bertegilde, decide they have had enough, and take matters into their...
Vorpremiere GERMAN BELOW Death! Disease! Executions! It’s all getting out of hand in medieval Europe. Berliner Wenches, Nortburga and Bertegilde, decide they have had enough, and take matters into their...
Experimentik #8 Hervé Boghossian / Kreis / Jessie Marino Solo: Hervé Boghossian - acoustic guitar, voice Duo: KreisFrancesca Naibo - electric guitar, objects, effectsSimone Massaron - electric guitar,...
Improvisationstheater mit dem Club der Impronäre. Da blüht euch was. Ein langer Winter war das wieder einmal in Berlin und es wird langsam Zeit! Der Club der Impronäre entführt euch...
Naomi Blakeslee (The Marbelles / Scratch Theater) and Christoph Mang (LIBER / Scratch Theater) proudly present And then what? The Genre Braid You choose the genre, we build the story. ...
GroKabaret - Mosaik auf Deutsch et francais DE : Das GroKabaret lädt euch ein, sein Format "Mosaik" zu entdecken! Wir können es kaum erwarten, gemeinsam mit euch unsere nächste...