Nate Bernardini im ThursdaySoundStream
Nate is a Berlin-based songwriter who’s been performing internationally for over 20 years. In addition to his solo project, he writes and performs with The Hidden Keys, Broke and Between Jobs, and The One Day Fly.
He’s also the host of a daily breakfast show on Instagram Live called ‘Hymns for Porridge’. M-SAT at 9:30 am CEST, he speaks with someone about life and their passion over a bowl of porridge. His songs follow an indie folk/blues style that combine rhythm guitar, harmonica, vocals, beat boxing, whistling and mouth trumpet. When performing live, he intertwines his songs with storytelling to paint an ever-changing picture of western society and the complex human condition. To find a balance between life’s bitter-sweet moments, he writes joyful songs about the world’s problems. By fusing together corruption with humor, he hopes to make controversial subjects easier to discuss and work out in society. His main focus is on the music’s impact and the song’s ability to change the world for the better. If you wish to support him as an artist and receive exclusive content, please visit
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THURSDAY SOUNDS: – Singer/Songwriter Konzerte im Tik, ab 21.00 Uhr
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Das Konzert wird gefördert von:
Initiative Musik gGmbH
Förderprogramm Live 100
Initiative Musik gGmbH
Förderprogramm Live 100