Pete D’Elia im ThursdaySoundStream
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Pete D’Elia (USA) has lived in Berlin since 2005, touring in Germany and Australia with ‚The Beez (from Berlin!)‘. He also performed with local Englander, Sam Dale, as ‚The Lincoln Boys‘.
Pete plays guitar and banjo and sings original songs about being a dog, being drunk, being bald, being single and being in love.
Pete plays guitar and banjo and sings original songs about being a dog, being drunk, being bald, being single and being in love.
Wird ein schöner Abend im Tik Nord !!!
THURSDAY SOUNDS: – Singer/Songwriter Konzerte im Tik, ab 21.00 Uhr
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Das Konzert wird gefördert von:
Initiative Musik gGmbH
Förderprogramm Live 100
Initiative Musik gGmbH
Förderprogramm Live 100