Thursday sounds like … Roemer
We’re very happy to present Roemer in our concert series. This is going to be great. Just listen:–ZY?t=12
Roemer is an indie folk project from Berlin-Neukölln lead by singer/songwriter Benjamin Roemer Seidl. Together with a collective of musician friends they make music that speaks to the sacred & profane seasons of the human experience. At the heart of their music are contemplative lyrics with a strong bent towards lament paired with haunting melodies with a liturgical feel. The kaleidoscope of musicians frequently re-arranging the ever growing body of songs which turns every performance into a new experience.
THURSDAY SOUNDS: – Singer/Songwriter Konzerte im Tik, ab 21.00 Uhr
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Das Konzert wird gefördert von:
Initiative Musik gGmbH
Förderprogramm Live 100
Initiative Musik gGmbH
Förderprogramm Live 100